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Monthly Archives: abril 2017

abril 2017

La revolución blockchain

La revolución blockchain.
Descubre cómo esta nueva tecnología transformará la economía global

Don Tapscott y Alex Tapscott
Ediciones Deusto

Enlaces de interés:

Frases entresacadas e ideas interesantes que puedo utilizar:

(Página )

Improving the expressiveness of black-box models for predicting student performance

Improving the expressiveness of black-box models for predicting student performance
Carlos J. Villagrá-Arnedo, Francisco J. Gallego-Durán, Faraón Llorens-Largo, Patricia Compañ-Rosique, Rosana Satorre-Cuerda, Rafael Molina-Carmona
Computers in Human Behavior
Volume 72, July 2017, Pages 621–631

Early prediction systems of student performance can be very useful to guide student learning. For a prediction model to be really useful as an effective aid for learning, it must provide tools to adequately interpret progress, to detect trends and behaviour patterns and to identify the causes of learning problems. White-box and black-box techniques have been described in literature to implement prediction models. White-box techniques require a priori models to explore, which make them easy to interpret but difficult to be generalized and unable to detect unexpected relationships between data. Black-box techniques are easier to generalize and suitable to discover unsuspected relationships but they are cryptic and difficult to be interpreted for most teachers. In this paper a black-box technique is proposed to take advantage of the power and versatility of these methods, while making some decisions about the input data and design of the classifier that provide a rich output data set. A set of graphical tools is also proposed to exploit the output information and provide a meaningful guide to teachers and students. From our experience, a set of tips about how to design a prediction system and the representation of the output information is also provided.

Black-box models; Prediction; Student performance; Graphical representation

II Foro Tecnológico para la Comunidad Educativa – La Transformación Digital en el puesto de trabajo del alumno

Hoy he participado en el II Foro Tecnológico para la Comunidad Educativa moderando la mesa redonda. Esta edición ha tratado sobre la “Transformación Digital en el Puesto de Trabajo del Alumno”.


Pedagogía universitaria y e-learning. Herramientas para una buena docencia universitaria (2016-2017)

Pedagogía universitaria y e-learning
Del 6 de marzo al 12 de abril de 2017
Experto Universitario en Formación Online
Universitat Politècnica de València
Faraón Llorens
Cátedra Santander-UA de Transformación Digital

Guía didáctica con los materiales del curso: http://rua.ua.es/dspace/handle/10045/65507

Aunque el verdadero valor del curso ha estado en la partipación y las contribuciones al foro de todos los paticipantes en el mismo. Y eso queda en el bagaje de los que hemos cursado la asignatura.

¡Hasta la próxima edición!