The power efficiency in the Tajo-Segura transfer

The power efficiency in the Tajo-Segura transfer


Borja Montaño Sanz y Joaquín Melgarejo Moreno

Departamento de Análisis Económico Aplicado







            The power cost is an important component in the desalination costs representing between a 37% and a 43% of the total costs. The average power consumption of the installed desalination plants in the influence area of the TS transfer is 4.35 kWh/m3, this cost is bigger than the maximum Tajo-Segura power cost that is 1.21 kWh/m3. Therefore given the data, it does not have sense to justify a greater use of desalinated water versus the Tajo-Segura water in power terms. If we consider the environmental damage that derives from these emissions, to each cubic meter of desalted water is necessary to add an additional cost of 0,07 € to compensate the emissions.

            Our analysis confirms the hypothesis that we considered in this report that the desalination power consumption is higher than the the transfer. One of our  hypothesis was that the Tajo-Segura power cost  is always smaller than the desalination power cost. The average consumption of the desalination is 3,8-4,4 kWh/m3 and the maximum power consumption of Tajo-Segura is 1.941 kWh/m3 (this is the energy necessary to take the water from the transfer to Yéchar, Pantalo of the Cierva and the Puebla). Therefore, highest of the power consumptions of the TS transfer is smaller than the average desalination power consumption. Therefore the Tajo-Segura transfer is more efficient than the desalination (in power terms)

            The hydric resources of the Tajo-Segura transfer are fundamental for the C.H Segura. Replacing the water of the transfer by desalinated is not viable by the bigger power cost.




        BOE num. 190. Jueves 9 de agosto de 2007, 51.943/07

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