Adobe Edge
Mientras que algunos ya dan por muerto a Adobe Flash, en otros sitios (Reports of Flash’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated) podemos leer que aún le quedan años.
Sin embargo, hasta la propia Adobe se ha subido al carro de HTML5 y acaba de sacar Adobe Edge Preview, que permite crear animaciones con HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript. En concreto, las principales características de Adobe Edge son:
This version of Edge focuses primarily on adding rich motion design to new or existing HTML projects, that runs beautifully on devices and desktops.
- Create new compositions with Edge’s drawing and text tools.
- Import popular web graphics such as SVG, PNG, JPG or GIF files.
- Easily choreograph animation with the timeline editor. Animate position, size, color, shape, rotation and more at the property level.
- Energize existing HTML files with motion, while preserving the integrity of CSS-based HTML layouts.
- Copy and paste transitions, invert them, and choose from over 25 built-in easing effects for added creativity.
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