JavaScript, ese lenguaje malo malo malo

Lenguaje malo y con programadores ignorantes, según podemos leer en Quora en la siguiente respuesta a la pregunta Which commonly used programming language has the most ignorant programmers on average?:

Hands-down, it’s JavaScript. The number of really, really bad JS devs out there staggers the mind. They are responsible for the huge number of crap JS libraries, especially in the npm repositories.

They actually believe that JavaScript is sprinkled with fairy dust. They think JavaScript is somehow unique in terms of features and capabilities, when, in fact, there is absolutely nothing new nor special about this poorly designed language. Dynamic typing? Prototypes? Lambdas? Asynchronous programming? We’ve seen them all before in other languages.


I agree with Ryan Gedwill’s answer. “JavaScript is the most ignorant community because they don’t understand the word simple.”

Profesor del Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos de la Universidad de Alicante (España). Interesado en el desarrollo y la accesibilidad web.

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