Quizás no necesites ese framework

Muy interesante todo lo que se dice en You Might Not Need that Framework:

I started web development in the late ’90s and published dozens of client-side web apps during the 2000s. Every web developer’s learning path back then began with HTML and CSS, followed by JavaScript, specifically for DOM management.

Differences in browser implementations, combined with the slow evolution of the language and browser APIs, led to the emergence of the first libraries to help developers. These included now-forgotten libraries like Prototype and Underscore.js, as well as the still-popular jQuery.

In the past decade, the landscape has shifted completely. Today, it’s common to begin your journey as a web developer with a library or framework like React or Angular, while learning some HTML and CSS along the way. As a result, we hear more about React, Next, Vue, Astro, or Angular developers than about front-end or web developers.

Y a continuación se explica el problema de la situación actual:

You might be wondering what the issue is. Well, there are several challenges:

  • Developers are less comfortable moving between frameworks and libraries.
  • Developers don’t have a full understanding of how the browser works, what it offers, and what “magic” their framework provides.
  • Developers often rely on a limited toolbox, using the same solution for every problem, even when it’s not the most efficient option.
  • Sometimes we end up using the wrong solution for a problem, leading to slow user experiences and too much complexity.

Profesor del Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos de la Universidad de Alicante (España). Interesado en el desarrollo y la accesibilidad web.

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