(Internal Structure of Gravitational Aggregates of Asteroids)
Adriano Campo Bagatin, Rafael A. Alemañ, Paula G. Benavidez, Dereck C. Richardson
Most astronomy enthusiasts are familiar with the Asteroid Belt beyond Mars, but it is less well-known that the internal structure of these celestial objects remains largely unexplored due to the lack of direct measurements. Current research in this area relies primarily on theoretical considerations and comparisons between the apparent densities of asteroids and the densities of their meteorite analogs (asteroidal fragments that reach Earth as meteorites).
A significant portion of the bodies within the Asteroid Belt consists of fragment aggregates with a wide variety of sizes and shapes, which contrasts with the popular notion of asteroids as monolithic blocks. The distribution of fragments and voids within a gravitational aggregate (a cluster of fragments held together by their mutual gravitational attraction) determines the structure and properties of these objects.
This study investigates the dynamic evolution of the reaccumulation process of fragments produced by catastrophic collisions (those capable of completely destroying the original asteroid) for asteroids ranging from 500 m to 10 km in size. Numerical simulations using specially designed computational programs were carried out to analyze this process. Special attention was given to the irregular shapes of the aggregate components, utilizing results from laboratory experiments that provide mass distributions and aspect ratios (proportional relationships between the axes of ellipsoids that approximate the irregularity of real shapes) for the fragments.
The findings indicate that the processes determining the final properties of the resulting aggregates—following the reaccumulation of fragments initially dispersed by a catastrophic impact—are primarily stochastic. However, interesting patterns can still be identified. For clarity, the study distinguishes between S-type asteroids (dominated by silicate) and C-type asteroids (dominated by carbon) and differentiates between macroporosity (the proportion of voids between the fragments forming the gravitational aggregate) and microporosity (porosity within the internal structure of each fragment).
The numerical results align with estimated macroporosities of S-type asteroids, revealing an approximately linear relationship between the macroporosity of asteroid aggregates and the mass ratio of the largest fragment to the total aggregate mass (for both S and C types).
Regarding observed C-type asteroids, the study concludes that their interiors are likely more fragmented compared to S-type asteroids, which explains the higher estimated macroporosity in real C-types relative to S-types. Additionally, it was found that slower-spinning asteroids can spontaneously form as a result of gravitational reaccumulation.
This research sheds light on the complex internal structures of asteroids and offers insights into their formation and evolution processes.