Job Opportunities

Pre-doctoral contract in Planetary Sciences (UA)

The Astronomy and Astrophysics research group of the University of Alicante will offer a pre-doctoral contract for non-EU in September of 2024 to collaborate in the research of the group’s Planetary Sciences section. The idea is that the contract links with the contract of the call of the University of Alicante (three years) for the realization of a PhD.

The Planetary Sciences section is involved in the Hera (ESA) and DART (NASA) space missions to the binary asteroid (65803) Didymos and, in addition, participates in the European project NEO-MAPP (H2020) (2020-2022) and in a state project of the 2018 call.

The requirements to apply for this contract:

  • Preferably have a degree in Physics, Aerospace Engineering (or related), Geology, Astrophysics or Mathematics. Foreign titles must be recognized or approved.
  • Be pre-admitted (not necessarily enrolled) in the IUFACyT doctoral program of the University of Alicante.(Note: this, for the Spanish system, implies having, in addition to the degree, a master’s degree of at least 60 ECTS.)
  • Participate in the call for aid to carry out a doctorate at the University of Alicante.

Please, to express interest and further information, write to Adriano Campo Bagatin ( as soon as possible.

Link for more information of this grant:

III. Subvenciones del programa Santiago Grisolía – Ciencia e investigación – Generalitat Valenciana (


Formal calls will be issued by University of Alicante and instructions for applications will be provided. We will keep potential candidates posted on the process.
Please, show your interest by writing to Adriano Campo Bagatin (, replying to this message as soon as possible. In fact, if the position may be of interest to you and you are not a Spanish national, some paperwork has to be started beforehand.