Thanks to the agreement of collaboration between the X-ray Astronomy Group at University of Alicante (XRAGUA) and Obras e infraestructuras del Mediterráneo (Obrimed), the Busot Observatory is routinely observing scientific targets in an almost autonomous way. This i
mply that both telescope and dome are computer controlled and all indispensable actions of observation can be done automatically, including processing weather conditions, dome driving, selecting targets to observe, exposing by cameras and filter wheel, taking calibration images and so forth. The only human activities we need to do are just to keep and maintenance the observatory.

- It is located at the Urbanización Llano de los Pastores, latitude 38º 28′ 31” North, longitude 0º 26′ 42” West, 185 m above sea level (Busot, Alicante, Spain)
- Top image: a front view of the dome. In the upper part of the building there are a weather station and an all-sky camera.
Bottom image show an image taken at the Busot Observatory of the first brown dwarf which is located in the Pleiades open star cluster.
An all-sky camera is implemented in the Busot observatory where you can watch video about night sky evolution clicking this link:
Research agreements OBRIMED1-13X, OBRIMED1-16I and OBRIMED1-20I.