Reflections from COP19, Monday 11 November

Today it is important National Independence Day here in Poland and is my first day at the COP19. The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP19 have 52 counties participating; it is possible to fell energy and importance of this event and the day. I am taking my train from Toruń to go to Warszawa and there a lot of station controlling documents.

When I first entered the he Conference Centre at the National I was both amazed and happy to see the excited faces of the diverse range of people from around the world. By contrast, the atmosphere among the participants was one of frustration, especially regarding the small island delegates.

We start the week with speaking about the importance to provide solutions for the adverse effects from the climate change, which are more emergence than ever. I hope this event will be an opportunity to remember that just with a global solution we can face the climate change. We hope the results of the work of this week in the COP19 will find a way for a more sustainable climate.

COP19, monday 11 November

COP19, monday 11 November

It is difficult not to mention in a conference about climate change the disasters caused by a strong storm a few days ago that acrossed the islands of the central PHILIPPINES. The winds reached 190m.p.h and the estimative at least 10,000 people many died, and while is happing COP19 people are suffering and without food. The potential for hazards as a response to climate change shows how potential can be the influences of anthropogenic actions.

At the plenary room a very emotional speech from Philippines in the afternoon make everyone to remember the recent hurricane where people during this conference are suffering the consequences of climate change. This presentation had been followed by a minute of silence.
