Welcome to the FPCE

Welcome to the course blog of Fundamentals Physics of Civil Engineering which is a subject of the degree in Civil Engineering. We assume in this course you have taken mathematics and physics before you are starting this course. However, we will not assume that you remember everything you did previously, so do not panic!!!! We will begin with a very brief review of magnitudes, the International System of Units (SI), and vectors. There are two extremely important vectorial magnitudes in your degree, the force and the moment of a force.

We highly recommend to download the course material from the virtual campus. Unfortunately, we did not all the course material in English, but we will try to update it during this semester. All documents are in acrobat format and you can find slides for theoretical classes, exercises both proposed and solved, slides for laboratory sessions, and so on.

The best way to learn physics is solving problems and asking for doubts or understanding physics concepts.


On Mondays from 10:15 to 12:45 and Wednesdays from 14:15 to 15:45 in my office. Feel free to ask for an appointment by Campus Virtual if the timetable is not suit to you.


Course 2015-16

Welcome to the blog of Physics for Civil Engineering of the Civil Engineering Degree of the University of Alicante. Here you can look for information about this subject, and interesting links as well. We hope that this tool could be a new way to our interaction. We are working to translate all of our materials during this semester, but we know that this is a hard task and we ask for your patient.
We are also making new materials to support your learning by yourself: this is the principal aim of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The contents of the physics course and most of the documents we are going to use in the classroom can be downloaded from the Campus Virtual of the University of Alicante.
Bienvenidas/os al blog de Fundamentos Físicos de la Ingeniería Civil del Grado en Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Alicante. En él podéis encontrar información sobre la asignatura, así como enlaces de interés. Esperamos que entre todos podamos sacarle el máximo jugo a esta nueva herramienta de comunicación.
Continuamos trabajando en la elaboración de materiales que favorecerán el aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado: objetivo fundamental del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Los contenidos del curso y la mayor parte de los materiales que se utilizarán en las clases se facilitarán a través del RUA a medida que se vayan produciendo.
Benvinguts/des al bloc de Fonaments Físics de l’Enginyeria Civil del Grau en Enginyeria Civil de la Universitat d’Alacant. Ací trobareu informació sobre l’assignatura i enllaços d’interés. Esperem que entre tots puguem traure-li el màxim suc a aquesta nova eina de comunicació.
Continuem treballant en l’elaboració de materials que afavoriran l’aprenentatge autònom de l’alumnat: objectiu fonamental de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior (EEES). Els continguts del curs i molts dels materials que s’utilitzaran en les classes es posaran al vostre abast a través del RUA a mesura que es vagen produint.