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ROV driving experience

Students in the third year of the  Geology Degree of the course “Geophysics and geophysical prospecting”, under the supervision of Professor José Enrique Tent Manclús, carried out practices in the University of Alicante Ducks pond to learn how to drive a ROV. The picture show some students trying to understand the ROV commands (left).

Students seen by a picture taken from the ROV

marine geophysics on board a ship

Last February 15th, 2023, students in the third year of the  Geology Degree of the course “Geophysics and geophysical prospecting”, under the supervision of Professor José Enrique Tent Manclús, carried out practices aboard the “Rosa de Abril” boat from the Alicante harbor. The practice was show a Boomer High resolution reflexion equipment and a ROV. The picture show a student trying to understand the ROV commands.

Origin and evolution of the Neogene calcareous nannofossil Ceratolithus

Sediment samples of deep marine oceanic ODP boreholes from sites 999 in the Caribbean Sea and 1237 in the Eastern Pacific Ocean covering the period between 6 and 4.5 Ma have been studied with a focus on ceratolith evolution. Orthorhabdus rugosus is a nannolith with three blades (sinistral, median, and dextral) that first appeared during the Serravallian, it is not-birefringent in its stable orientation. It shows a high morphological variability time-interval at the end of the Messinian to the basal Pliocene (5.5 to 5 Ma) during which Ceratolithus (5.484 Ma) evolved. Changes occurred in the sinistral and median blades, whilst the dextral blade was reduced. Ceratolithus finifer n. comb is the first species of the evolutionary line. The nannolith stable position changed during its evolution, resulting in the older forms showing low birefringence and the younger ones moderate to high birefringence in the most stable orientation. Ceratolithus acutus, with an arrowhead shape, Ceratolithus armatus, and the morphologically distinct C. larrymayeri evolved from C. finifer with all three species showing high birefringence. The previous O. rugosus and C. finifer continued. Finally, C. armatus gives rise to C. cristatus. Ceratolithus atlanticus and C. tricorniculatus also evolved from C. finifer. All the species mentioned become extinct during the Pliocene except Ceratolithus cristatus that lives today. Detailed observations permit the analysis of the evolutionary trends of the group, possible mechanisms, patterns, and processes of speciation, and establish new criteria to define the species that, by their relative abundance and short geologic range, have permitted adjustment of biostratigraphic markers for this period.

Development of birefringence in the family Ceratolithaceae. Upper part, the first variability interval when Amaurolithus primus, Amaurolithus delicatus, and Nicklithus amplificus evolved from Orthorhabdus rugosus. As the median wing (in red) does not change its orientation, remaining perpendicular to the most stable position, pointing upwards, those species do not show birefringence. The lower part shows the O. rugosus second variability interval when Ceratolithus developed. The early forms, Ceratolithus finifer, show low birefringence as the c-axis/median wing (in red) incline towards the dextral wing (in green). In the later morphotypes the c-axis/ median wing rotates, tilting the nannolith most stable position to the right, and so showing moderate to high birefringence. Finally, when the lath-end of the sinistral wing (in blue) of C. acutus rotates upwards, the nannolith most stable position tilts further to the right orienting the c-axis parallel to it, producing the high birefringence characteristic of Ceratolithus.

Cite as: Lancis, C., Tent-Manclús, J.-E., Flores, J.-A., 2024. Origin and evolution of the Neogene calcareous nannofossil Ceratolithus. Mar. Micropaleontol. 186, 102310. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2023.102310