Happy Birthday, Sputnik! (Thanks for the Internet)
Fuente: ComputerWorld September 24, 2007 Interesante artículo que describe los orígenes de Internet.
Fuente: ComputerWorld September 24, 2007 Interesante artículo que describe los orígenes de Internet.
Fuente: internetnews.com April 16, 2007 If Mozilla, Opera and Apple’s Safari browser have their way, the HTML specification (define) could be getting its first major point update in a decade. The three vendors have banded together in a proposal to …
Fuente: Web Worker Daily September 2007 One of the problems with being a web worker is that the lines between work and life have been so blurred as to be non-existent. The Internet is always on, accessible from just about …
10 Ways for a Web Worker to Achieve Work-Life Balance Leer más »
Fuente: ACM queue July/August 2007 Today’s sophisticated Web applications make tracking and listening to users more important than ever. Today’s Internet user has more choices than ever before, with many competing sites offering similar services. This proliferation of options provides …
Fuente: ITworld 07/09/07 Una entrevista a Tim Berners-Lee donde explica, desde su perspectiva, cuál es el futuro de la Web.
Fuente: ACM queue July/August 2007 Believe it or not, it’s not a lost cause. In these days of phishing and near-daily announcements of identity theft via large-scale data losses, it seems almost ridiculous to talk about securing the Web. At …