Los encausados por engañar en las universidades de EEUU

En Here’s the full list of people charged in the college admissions cheating scandal, and who has pleaded guilty so far se publica la lista de las personas encausadas en este escándalo, algunos y algunas ya se han declarado culpables (Insider, 12/04/2019):

The Department of Justice unsealed documents in March charging 50 people with participating in a scheme involving bribery, money laundering, and document fabrication to unfairly get students admitted to elite colleges.

Court documents reviewed by INSIDER said the scheme involved bribing college athletic coaches to recruit students regardless of their athletic ability, as well as cheating on entrance exams.

Prosecutors said the scheme was led by William Singer, a college-prep professional. He has pleaded guilty.

“Parents paid Singer approximately $25 million to bribe coaches and university administrators to designate their children as purported athletic recruits, thereby facilitating the children’s’ admission to those universities,” the Department of Justice said in a press release.

Dozens of wealthy people, including celebrities and CEOs of public and private companies, were charged.

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