The Morro de Toix seacliff, located South of Calpe, on the Alicante coast in southeastern Spain, is a 70 to 30 m high seacliff. The western portion is plane and eastern portion of the seacliff is highly karstified and overhanging. The foot is currently submerged. An USV (Unmanned Surface Vessel) platform adapted to be towed by a manned vehicle, a paddle surfboard, has been used, with the aim of studying the geomorphology of the underwater part. To study the submerged bottom of the cliff, an USV (Unmmaned Surface Vessel) platform has been used. It has been adapted to be towed by a crewed vehicle, a paddle surfboard. This is an easy and fast procedure when a short excellent weather conditions windows is found obtaining good side scan sonar, single beam and downscan data. The result of the processed data has shown a metric-blocky seabed near the cliff and the underwater cliff is excavated around 3-4 m in the western portion and irregulary excavated in the eastern part with many cove and caves.

cite as: Bonomo, D., Ronda, J. L., Benabdeloued, B. Y. N., Tent-Manclús, J. E., Salcedo-Justicia, E. M. y Alcántara-Carrió, J. (2024): Estudio con sonar de barrido lateral de la base del acantilado del Morro de Toix (Calpe, Alicante). In: Palomar Vazquez, J. y Pardo Pascual, J. (Eds.). GEOLIT24 – Libro de Actas – XII Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral. 25-27 de septiembre de 2024. Valencia. 254-259.
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