Manuel Martín Martín graduated in Geological Sciences from the University of Granada in 1990. He obtained a research grant from the FPI plan of the Ministry of Education and Science (1993-1996) and received his doctorate from the University of Granada in 1996, having studied the Tertiary of Maláguide Domain in Sierra Espuña (Bética Internal Zones). He obtained a postdoctoral fellowship from the FPI plan of the Ministry of Education and Science (1997-1998) to study the Paleogene of the Corbiéres and Minervois sector (SE, France) at the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse (France). He is professor at the University of Alicante from the end of 1998. Since July 25, 2002, he has been a Full Professor at the University of Alicante at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Internal Geodynamics area). Currently he is working on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of Cenozoic basins, being the Head Researcher of the Group of the University of Alicante: “Geodynamic evolution of the eastern Betic mountain range and the Alicante marine platform”.
Recent papers:
– Martín-Martín, M., Guerrera, F., Tosquella, J, Tramontana, M. 2020. Paleocene-Lower Eocene carbonate platforms of westernmost Tethys. Sedimentary Geology 404, 105674.
– Martín-Martín, M., and Robles-Marín, P. (2020): Alternative methods for calculating compaction in sedimentary basins. Mar. Pet. Geol. 113, 104132. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104132
–Martín-Martín, M., Guerrera, F., Miclăuș, C., and Tramontana, M. (2020): Similar Oligo-Miocene tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Paratethyan branches represented by the Moldavidian Basin and Maghrebian Flysch Basin. Sedimentary Geology 396: 105548
– Martín-Martín, M., Guerrera, F., and Tramontana, M. (2020): Geodynamic Implications of the Latest Chattian-Langhian Central-Western Peri-Mediterranean Volcano-Sedimentary Event: A Review. The Journal of Geology 128:1, 29-43. doi: 10.1086/706262
– Guerrera, F., Martín-Martín, M., and Tramontana, M. (2019): Evolutionary geological models of the central-western peri-Mediterranean chains: a review. International Geology Reviews. 1-22. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2019.1706056
–Martín-Martín, M., Estévez, A., Martín-Rojas, I., Guerrera, F., Alcalá, F. J., Serrano, F., Tramontana, M. (2018): The Agost Basin (Betic Cordillera, Alicante province, Spain): a pull-apart basin involving salt tectonics. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 107, 2: 655-671. Doi: 10.1007/s00531-017-1521-6
– Perri, F.; Critelli, S.; Martín-Martín, M.; Montone, S.; Amendola, U. (2017): Unravelling hinterland and offshore palaeogeography from pre-to-syn-orogenic clastic sequences of the Betic Cordillera (Sierra Espuña), Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Plaeoecology. 468, 52-69.
– Guerrera, F.; Martín-Martín, M.; Rafaelli, G.; Tramontana, M. (2015): The Early Miocene “Bisciaro volcaniclastic event” (northenr Apennines, Italy): a key study for the geodynamic evolution of the central-western Mediterranean. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 104: 1083-1106.
– Alcalá, F.J.; Guerrera, F.; Martín-Martín, M.; Raffaeli, G.; Serrano, F. (2013): Geodynamic implications derived from Numidian-like distal turbidites deposited along the Internal-External Domain boundary of the Betic Cordillera (S Spain). Terra Nova. 25:119-129.
– Guerrera, F.; Martín-Algarra, A.; Martín-Martín, M. (2012): Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the “Numidian Formation” and Lateral Facies (southern branch of the western Tethys): constraints for central-western Mediterranean geodynamics. Terra Nova. 24:34-41.
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