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Monthly Archives: January 2022

Field work in the Eocene Prebetic

The good weather in Alicante during the winter season has permitted to do the first field season of our project of the  Spanish research agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) of the Spanish Science and innovation minister (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación)  entitle as “EVOLUCION TECTONO-DEPOSICIONAL DE CUENCAS SEDIMENTARIAS CENOZOICAS: CARACTERIZACION 2D-3D Y MEJORA DE PATRONES ESTANDAR” (PID2020-114381GB-I00). See previous post.

The picture shows the members of the team imply in this field try to the Eocene rocks within the provinces of Alicante and Murcia.

Crina Miclaus (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University)

Josep Tosquella (Huelva University)

Manuel Martin-Martin (Alicante University)

Jose Enrique Tent-Manclus (Alicante University)

The members of the team on the Campello Harbour. From left to right, Manuel Martin-Martin, Crina Miclaus, Jose Enrique Tent-Manclús and Josep Tosquella.

Next picture shows a nummulite-rich limestone in a quarry near Onil, one of the visited sections in our field work.

Nummulites sections in an Eocene limestone near Onil (Alicante).