
General evaluation system

  • Written tests (controls, solving problem reports or exercises, and so on) which will be done individually or in group, throughout the semester for the continuous evaluation of the technical competences of the subject. Students must do at least the 80% of the evaluation activities and earn at least 5 points to 10 to pass this part.

  • It could be evaluated the attendance of classes.

  • Laboratory reports.

  • It could be assessed, if it proceeds, the skills and attitudes showed by the student in the individual or group activities.

  • Final examination, if it proceeds, comprising the whole subject and which contribution to the final mark will not be greater than 50% of the final total mark. Students must earn at least 4 points to 10 to receive an overall grade point average in this course.

Evaluation tools and criteria

The evaluation for June, July and/or December, there will be as follows:

FINAL MARK = 20% theory + 15% problems + 15% laboratory + 50% final examination

Criteria for problem sessions:

There will be two controls with problems covering the themes I, II, III, IV, and V (week 8), themes VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI (week 15).

Professor in the classroom hours could request the delivery of exercises at the end of the session.

The weight in the final evaluation will be 15%.

Criteria for theoretical sessions:

There will be two tests with multiple items covering the themes I, II, III, IV and V (week 8) and themes VI VII, VIII, IX, X and XI (week 14 or 15).

Professor in the classroom hours could request the delivery of conceptual questions at the end of the session.

The weight in the final evaluation will be 20%.

Criteria for laboratory

It will be assess: the attitude and participation in the laboratory sessions, and the laboratory reports.

The weight in the final evaluation will be 15%.

Final examination

The final exam will consist of resolution of exercises corresponding to the different themes of the course.

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