Aims Problems Subject

Chapter 11: Structural members – Beams – Problems

After reading previous entry and understanding the meaning of isostatic beam, shear force, bending moment, how to apply method of sections, you should try to solve next exercises.

EXERCISE 1: A cantilever beam AB with mass 100 kg is subjected by cables as shown in figure. If the moment acting on the beam at A is greater than 2400 kN·m, beam will give way at A.

a) Determine the maximum weight of the load suspended by the two cables.

b) Draw shear and moment diagrams specifying values at all change of loading positions and at points of zero shear.

EXERCISE 2: Draw the shear-force and bending-moment diagrams for the loaded beam and determine the maximum moment M and its location x from the left end.

Aims Problems Subject

Chapter 9: Elasticity – Problems

After reading previous entry and understanding the meaning of stress and strain, how to apply Hooke’s law to elastic solids, you should try to solve next exercises.

EXERCISE 1: A steel wire has a length of 25 m and its cross-sectional area is 6 mm × 0.8 mm. Considering the effect of its own weight negligible, calculate the strain and the change in length when we applied a tension force of 6 kp. Young’s modulus of steel is 2.1×10^6 kp/cm^2.

EXERCISE 2: Determine the elongation of a bar of uniform cross section S and length L which is hanging and subjected to its own weight.


Aims Subject

Chapter 9. Elasticity


9.1 Elastic behaviour of solids.

9.2 Method of sections.

9.3 Normal stress and shear stress.

9.4 Axial deformation: Young’s modulus.


  • Demonstrate your understanding of elasticity, elastic limit, stress, strain, and, ultimate strength.
  • Write and apply formulas for calculating Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and, bulk modulus.
  • Solve problems involving deformation in members of loaded trusses.


Rodes Roca, J. J., Durá Doménech, A. i Vera Guarinos, J., Fonaments físics de les construccions arquitectòniques (Publicacions de la Universitat d’Alacant, Alacant, 2011). Capítol 10. (There is also a version in Spanish of this book)

Rodes Roca, J. J., Exercicis i problemes dels fonaments físics d’arquitectura. I. Vectors lliscants i geometria de masses (ECU, Alacant, 2009)

Rodes Roca, J. J. i Durá Doménech, A., Exercicis i problemes dels fonaments físics d’arquitectura. II. Estàtica aplicada a les estructures (Col·lecció Joan Fuster 154, Universitat d’Alacant, 2013)

Tipler, P. A. i Mosca, G., Física per a la ciència i la tecnologia, Volum 1 (Reverté, Barcelona, 2010). Capítols 1 i 12. (This is the catalan version of the original English book)