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Field trip in Morocco: Searching for the Nummulites

The Africa call…

Well the third field work campaign the project. This time in the Middle Atlas of Morocco. The objetive was to find Nummulites as the ones in the Betic or in the Rif.

The picture shows the members of the team. Picture taken by Soufian Maaté.

Quaternary basalts near Bekrit (Middle Atlas). From left to right: Manuel Martín-Martín, Ali Maaté, Pedro Robles, José Enrique Tent-Manclús, Manuel Bullejos, Crina Miclăuș, and Santiago Moliner

Manuel Bullejos Lorenzo (Granada University)

Rachid Hlila (Abdelmalek Essaádi University)

Ali Maaté (Abdelmalek Essaádi University)

Manuel Martín-Martín (Alicante University)

Soufian Maaté (Moulay Ismail Errachidia University)

Crina Miclăuș (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University)

José Enrique Tent-Manclús (Alicante University)

And the collaborators:

Pedro Robles (Alicante University)

Santiago Moliner (Alicante University).


After a week (from April 23rd until April 30 2023). Many rock samples were taken and we did not find them but our hope is to  look carefully the thin sections for tiny Nummulites.


This is the  third major field trip of the project of the  Spanish research agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) of the Spanish Science and innovation minister (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación)  entitle as “EVOLUCION TECTONO-DEPOSICIONAL DE CUENCAS SEDIMENTARIAS CENOZOICAS: CARACTERIZACION 2D-3D Y MEJORA DE PATRONES ESTANDAR” (PID2020-114381GB-I00). See previous post.