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8th International Brachiopod Congress

The 8th International Brachiopod Congress was held at the University of Milan (Università deli Studi di Milano) and organized by a committee chaired by Lucia Angiolini from Milan and Renato Posenato from Ferrara.

A four-day pre-congress fieldtrip was proposed to Spain with a detailed guidebook published by García Joral et al., (2018). The fieldtrip to Spain started on 6th September 2018 in Madrid, from where participants headed northwards to Aragon, where in the Iberian Ranges two days were devoted to Jurassic and one to the Palaeozoic (Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian). The last day took the participants to the Betic Mountains near Alicante, where we admired the Liassic faunas of the Mediterranean province.

Pictures of the congress and the fieldtrips can be seen in:

Halamski A. T., 2019. Eighth International Brachiopod Congress Milan, Italy, 11th-14th September, 2018. http://paleopolis.rediris.es/BrachNet/REF/Pub/halamski-2019.html, 9 p

Fieldtrip to Spain, 9th September, 2018. José Enrique Tent-Manclús explaining the geology of the Betic Mountains. Liassic, Cerro de la Cruz section, Reclot Mountain Range near Alicante. Photo by A.T. Halamski.


García-Joral F., Villas E. & Baeza-Carratalá J.F. (eds), 2018. 8th International Brachiopod Congress Field Guide. E1: Paleozoic and Mesozoic brachiopods of East Spain, ii + 76 pp. Workcenter Servicios Globales de Documentación, Madrid.

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