Asombrosa noticia: Internet Explorer 9 el navegador más compatible

Leo con asombro la noticia W3C seeks help, patience with HTML5 tests. Lo asombroso de la noticia es que parece que Internet Explorer 9 es el navegador que por ahora mejor cumple las pruebas de cumplimiento de la nueva recomendación HTML5:

The World Wide Web Consortium is griping about this week’s premature judgments regarding which browser best complies with the HTML5 standard and is asking for help to improve its tests.

Philippe Le Hegaret, who oversees HTML5 and other standards at the W3C, today chastised those who concluded from tests done so far that Internet Explorer 9 is leading the race to support the new Web page technology. The W3C has added 135 new HTML5 compliance checks in the last month, bringing the total to 232, but that’s nowhere near enough, he said.

Profesor del Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos de la Universidad de Alicante (España). Interesado en el desarrollo y la accesibilidad web.

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