JavaScript, ¿el peor lenguaje de programación del mundo?

El mejor seguro que no es. No creo que haya nadie que sea capaz de defender que es “el mejor lenguaje de programación del mundo”. Pero, ¿es el peor?

Ayer, en Quora leí dos preguntas distintas, en las dos apareció JavaScript y los comentarios no eran muy positivos.

PRIMERA PREGUNTA: I love JavaScript. What’s wrong with that?

Man, it’s really hard to write this without coming across as a real asshole.

I would say you *can* use JavaScript for everything if you wanted to, but each time you used it, it would be a mistake.

On the web, JavaScript isn’t optional, it’s the only language available, but elsewhere of course, there are many alternatives. So, can we look at JavaScript and say to ourselves, “I’ve experienced the alternatives, and I think JavaScript is very best option.”? I don’t think we can.

JavaScript is a really bad language, but even if it wasn’t, is it the best for any given scenario? No, it’s not.

You can use JavaScript for everything if you want, but you’d be using the wrong language every time.

When you only know one language (or only know one well) , then it’s easy to get emotionally attached to a language and want to defend it, and if it’s the only one you know well, then it’s not like there is a point of comparison.

If a beginner loves JavaScript, that’s normal. If an experienced programmer with decades of experience loves JavaScript, it’s inexplicable.

If you love JavaScript, and you want to use it for everything, certainly don’t let me dissuade you. However, if I do leave you with any bit of advice, I’d say, don’t let your emotional attachment to JavaScript cloud your judgement.

SEGUNDA PREGUNTA: Is computer programming a dying career?

The article you cite contains many truths, and one or two questionable assertions.

First of all, the author is quite correct: coding academies and bootcamps are rubbish. They promote an unrealistic view of the software industry. They’re highly focussed on JavaScript and web development. Never mind that JavaScript is a horrible language for instructional purposes, web development as a career destination is very shortsighted. Web development will be one of the very first areas of IT to be largely automated away.



Profesor del Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos de la Universidad de Alicante (España). Interesado en el desarrollo y la accesibilidad web.

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