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Tag Archives: gamificación

diciembre 2024

Predicting student performance in foreign languages with a serious game

Predicting student performance in foreign languages with a serious game
Illanas Vila, Ana; Calvo Ferrer, José Ramón; Gallego Durán, Francisco J.; Llorens Largo, Faraón
7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2013)
4th-6th March 2013, Valencia, Spain.
International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)

Documento en RUA

In this digital age, many statements have been made regarding the use of technology for teaching purposes. In this sense Serious Games are gaining ground considering that, besides their technological advantages, they provide fun, which allegedly engages students in their training.
Much research has been carried out to show how Serious Games improve teaching methodologies and student learning outcomes in various subjects. This research focuses on the field of digital game-based learning from a different perspective: Namely, the work carried out does not focus on the use of Serious Games for teaching and learning, but on the use of such tools for the prediction of learning outcomes. Accurately predicting future student performance lets teachers give customized advice to them.
The approach is undertaken by means of machine learning and data mining techniques, and educational data mining techniques in particular. These techniques are applied to data collected from games played by students. For such purposes, The Conference Interpreter (CoIn), a Serious Game which simulates a context of simultaneous interpreting has been developed and used as a data mining tool. Following this, the experiment carried out is described and machine learning/data mining results are presented and discussed.


Tendencias Universidad. En pos de la educación activa

En pos de la educación activa
Serie: Tendencias Universidad (nº 1)
Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Descarga documento en pdf

Tendencias Universidad es una nueva serie de publicaciones de la Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria, de respuesta rápida y poca extensión, y siempre vinculadas a actividades presenciales abiertas al debate. Este primer informe surge del seminario bienal En pos de la educación activa dedicado al análisis de la educación activa en el ámbito universitario. Se resume lo que a lo largo de los años 2011 y 2012 se ha debatido en las cuatro jornadas organizadas por la Cátedra. Se analiza y destaca la actualidad educativa a nivel global, fundamentalmente en cuanto a las propuestas impulsadas por las tecnologías digitales se refiere, que permiten al aprendiz ser responsable de su aprendizaje. Finalmente se condensa todo lo debatido y analizado en 11 ideas fuerza de la educación activa. Todo esto se completa con una entrevista a José Joaquín Brunner, experto internacional en educación superior.

Diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos – ByteRealms

Diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos – ByteRealms
Faraón Llorens
Jornada investigadores en la EPS
18 de febrero de 2013
Mes cultural – Febrero 2013
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad de Alicante


[prezi id=’http://prezi.com/qxa6i5b1dwy2/byterealms-eps/’ width=”450″]

The Gamification of learning and instruction

The Gamification of Learning and Instruction.
Game-Based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education.

Karl M. Kapp
Published by Pfeiffer
An Imprint of Wiley


