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febrero 2025

Self explainable graph convolutional recurrent network for spatio-temporal forecasting

Self explainable graph convolutional recurrent network for spatio-temporal forecasting
Javier García-Sigüenza, Manuel Curado, Faraón Llorens-Largo & José F. Vicent
Machine Learning
Volume 114, article 2 (2025)
doi: doi.org/10.1007/s10994-024-06725-6
Published 14 January 2025

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries and decision-making processes, but concerns about transparency and fairness have increased. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is crucial to address these concerns, providing transparency in AI decision making, alleviating the effect of biases and fostering trust. However, the application of XAI in conjunction with problems with spatio-temporal components represents a challenge due to the small number of options, which when implemented penalize performance in exchange for the explainability obtained. This paper proposes self explainable graph convolutional recurrent network (SEGCRN), a model that seeks to integrate explainability into the architecture itself, seeking to increase the ability to infer the relationship and dependence between the different nodes, proposing an alternative to explainability techniques, which are applied as a second layer. The proposed model has been able to show in different data sets the ability to reduce the amount of information needed to make a prediction, while reducing the impact on the prediction caused by applying an explainability technique, having managed to reduce the use of information without loss of accuracy. Thus, SEGCRN is proposed as a gray box, which allows a better understanding of its behavior than black box models, having validated the model with traffic data, combining both spatial and temporal components, achieving promising results.

Keywords: Graph neural networks, Deep learning, Data analysis, Explainability, Spatio-temporal forecasting

3º informe Observatorio de Inteligencia Artificial en Educación Superior

Se ha publicado el 3º Informe del Observatorio de Inteligencia Artificial en Educación Superior de la Universidad Europea.

Web del observatorio: https://universidadeuropea.com/conocenos/observatorio-inteligencia-artificial-educacion-superior

Informe OIAES#3 (8 enero 2025).
El impacto de la IA en planes de estudio y resultados de aprendizaje; competencias y contenidos de las asignaturas actuales y/o futuras

Transformación Digital Educativa

Transformación Digital Educativa
Cuarto Seminario
Segunda edición: Seminario-taller iberoamericano
Por una ruta hacia la calidad en la educación a distancia y virtual en las IES
28 de noviembre de 2024

Panel 2:
Moderador: Ph. D. Germán Gallego, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO) – Cali
Albert Sangrà, Universitat Oberta Catalunya (UOC)
Armando De Giusti, Universidad Nacional de la Plata (UNLP)
Faraón Llorens, Universidad de Alicante.

Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Calidad en Educación Superior a Distancia (CALED)

IA y Educación: Creando Nuevas Fronteras de Innovación

IA y Educación: Creando Nuevas Fronteras de Innovación
Faraón Llorens, Universidad de Alicante.
Ismael Gómez, director Estrategia Digital Global de la OEI.
Segundo Piriz, rector de UNIE Universidad, Grupo Planeta.
Moderación: Juan Miguel Sucunza, vicepresidente CEAPI y vicepresidente ejecutivo del Grupo Eulen

Presentación Nº 12 de la revista PÓDIUM. Iberoamérica 4.0- Innovación y productividad en la era de la inteligencia artificial

Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI)

Programa completo:


Podium: revista iberoamericana de educación e innovación para la productividad. Nº 12, junio de 2024
Iberoamérica 4.0: innovación y productividad en la era de la inteligencia artificial
Acceso al pdf

Página 12
IA o AI, esta es la cuestión
Faraón Llorens Largo

Multiagent Systems for Educational Transformation: A Swarm of Intelligent Personal Assistants

Multiagent Systems for Educational Transformation: A Swarm of Intelligent Personal Assistants
Sergio Arjona-Giner and Faraón Llorens-Largo
University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain

Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2024)
23-25 October 2024
Alicante, Spain

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

The arrival of LLMs in November 2022, marked by the release of the
GPT-3.5 model, represents a milestone in the field of AI. These advanced mod-
els have demonstrated an exceptional ability to comprehend and generate hu-
man-like text, among other skills. The versatility and proficiency of LLMs have
paved the way for the development of various applications, including intelligent
agents. When these agents are combined synergistically in a MAS, they utilize
the trained or pre-trained LLMs as their core AI engine. In the educational sec-
tor, this AI-driven transformation has reinforced the concept of Smart Learning,
leveraging advanced technologies to create interactive, personalized, and effi-
cient learning experiences. One tangible manifestation of Smart Learning is the
development of SLApps which harness AI for robust educational support. In
this paper, we explore the introduction of a SLApp that employs a swarm of in-
telligent agents coordinated within a MAS. By leveraging the capabilities of
LLMs and the coordinated efforts of intelligent agents, the SLApp aims to im-
prove the educational process. Key contributions include the preliminary archi-
tecture of the SLApp, integration with the LTI 1.3 standard for compatibility
with LMSs and implementation of RAG technology to minimize hallucinations
and enhance knowledge sources.

Multiagent System, RAG, Smart Learning.

An interactive didactic application to learn collision detection techniques

An interactive didactic application to learn collision detection techniques
Jorge Reig Valera, Faraón Llorens Largo, and Francisco J. Gallego-Durán
University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain

Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2024)
23-25 October 2024
Alicante, Spain

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

This paper introduces an interactive educational application. It features a sandbox environment with various scenarios where different collision detection algorithms are utilized and visualized. This setup allows users to interact with and gain a comfortable and efficient understanding of how these algorithms work internally. Developed by a single person using raw C++ programming and basic rendering libraries, this paper presents an application that aims to assist anyone interested in entering the field of physics simulation and collision detection. It is suitable for beginners looking to start learning, experienced users seeking to refresh their knowledge, and teachers who wish to offer this tool to their students as a supplementary learning resource.

Collision Detection, Physics, E-learning software, Algorithm.

Exploring Stress in Effective Communication: A Psycho-Cognitive and Technological Approach

Exploring Stress in Effective Communication: A Psycho-Cognitive and Technological Approach
Vanesa Dimitrova-Spiridonova, Faraón Llorens-Largo, and Alberto Real-Fernández
University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain

Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2024)
23-25 October 2024
Alicante, Spain

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

Effective communication is crucial in all areas of life, especially in high-pressure situations such as public presentations. This study focuses on how stress affects people who present in front of audiences, compromising their accuracy and fluency. By combining cognitive psychology and the Internet of Things (IoT), IoT devices have been used to measure and visualize stress in real time. An experiment was conducted with fourth-year Multimedia Engineering students at the University of Alicante, who presented their academic projects. During these presentations, physiological data such as heart rate, breath rate, and stress levels were collected using IoT devices. The data collected demonstrated that these devices can effectively measure variables related to stress. Additionally, a web interface was developed to visualize the collected data, making it easier to interpret. This tool can be useful for specialists analyzing similar data or for teachers aiming to help their students improve their communication skills by identifying high-stress moments and developing strategies to enhance their presentation experience.

stress, effective communication, Internet of Things, cognitive psychology.

Repensando un mundo con IA

Repensando un mundo con IA
Faraón Llorens Largo
18 de octubre de 2024
CDL Alicante (www.cdlalicante.org)
Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras y en Ciencias de Alicante


Tecnología y educación

Tecnología y educación
Ponente: Faraón Llorens
Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje y Nuevas Vías de Innovación (CANVIES 2024)
18 de octubre de 2024

Descripción del taller:
Tecnología y educación. No hemos utilizado preposiciones para conectar estos dos términos (tecnología para la educación, educación con tecnología o educación sin tecnología) porque cualquier intento de definir la relación de antemano nos limitaría. La conjunción “y” nos abre un universo de posibilidades: cooperación, conflicto, equilibrio, dependencia… La tecnología puede potenciar al profesorado, transformar la enseñanza y abrir nuevas vías para que el estudiantado explore y aprenda. Pero también puede distraer, complicar y, si no se utiliza con intención, restar más de lo que suma. Hoy es innegable que las tecnologías digitales han cambiado nuestra forma de relacionarnos y las competencias necesarias en el mundo actual. Y lo más emocionante es que la inteligencia artificial aún no ha irrumpido del todo en nuestras aulas. ¿Estamos preparados para lo que viene? ¿Cómo podemos ser protagonistas activos en esta transformación, en lugar de simples espectadores?
Este taller invita a reflexionar sobre las oportunidades, los retos y las incógnitas que plantea este diálogo entre tecnología y educación.


Futuro Educativo: Innovación Docente Universitaria

Mesa Redonda
Futuro Educativo: Innovación Docente Universitaria Creando caminos hacia un mañana transformador
Faraón Llorens Largo, Universidad de Alicante.
Maria Asunción Martínez Mayoral, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.
Antonio Fernández Coca, Universitat de les Illes Balears.

8 de octubre de 2024
Lugar: Salón de Actos del Aulario II
Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje y Nuevas Vías de Innovación (CANVIES 2024)
