How to prioritize strategic IT Projects for your university
Antonio Fernández, Faraón Llorens, Carlos Juiz, Francisco Maciá y Juan Manuel Aparicio
Colección: Cátedra Santander-UA de Transformación Digital
Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante
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A strategic project portfolio is the main tool for the governance of information technology (IT) that a university can use to determine which projects are most strategic for its organization, and thereby optimize the use of IT and invest adequately in resources, even when they are limited. This book presents a reflection on the importance of IT projects for reaching new levels of governance in universities through a Strategic IT Portfolio model. In the book, the authors not only explore the challenges universities face during the phases of achieving a strategic portfolio based on their own experience; they also share the testimonials of numerous IT managers who have implemented it in their organizations.
Enlaces de interés:
GTI4U (Gobierno de las TI para Universidades)