Safe AI in Education Manifesto
Safe AI in Education Manifesto
In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds great promise to enhance learning experiences, streamline administrative tasks, and support both students and educators. However, with these advancements come significant responsibilities.
The Safe AI in Education Manifesto establishes the foundational principles that ensure AI is deployed in educational settings in a manner that is ethical, secure, and aligned with the core objectives of education.
This principles are intended to provide a framework to guide educators, educational institutions, developers and AI vendors in their decision making process about the use of AI in education.
Principle 1: Guaranteeing Confidentiality
Principle 2: Alignment with Educational Strategies
Principle 3: Alignment with Didactic Practices
Principle 4: Accuracy and Minimization of Errors
Principle 5: Comprehensive Interface and Behavior
Principle 6: Ethical Training and Transparency
The integration of AI into education is inevitable and holds great potential. However, this integration must be guided by principles that prioritize the well-being, privacy, and educational success of students. The Safe AI in Education Manifesto is a commitment to these principles, ensuring that AI enhances the educational experience without compromising ethical standards or educational integrity.
El Reglamento Europeo de Inteligencia Artificial
El Reglamento Europeo de Inteligencia Artificial
Moisés Barrio Andrés (director)
Colección Reformas
Editorial Tirant lo Blanc (

Lectura para las vacaciones. La ley original (AI Act) se puede descargar desde:
Reglamento (UE) 2024/1689 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 13 de junio de 2024, por el que se establecen normas armonizadas en materia de inteligencia artificial y por el que se modifican los Reglamentos (CE) n.° 300/2008, (UE) n.° 167/2013, (UE) n.° 168/2013, (UE) 2018/858, (UE) 2018/1139 y (UE) 2019/2144 y las Directivas 2014/90/UE, (UE) 2016/797 y (UE) 2020/1828
(pdf en español)
Pero el libro me ha permitido una lectura más descriptiva y ya interpretada (no hay quien entienda los textos legales 😉
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