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marzo 2018

Informatics for All. The strategy

Informatics for All. The strategy
ACM Europe & Informatics Europe
February 2018

Informatics for All is an initiative devised jointly by ACM Europe and Informatics Europe. Its purpose is to give due recognition to Informatics as an essential foundational discipline for education in the twenty-first century. Informatics is the science underpinning the development of the digital world, and it is having a profound effect on all aspects of modern society. The discipline has fundamental conceptual and practical facets. The considerable economic impact of its technological developments, as well as its role in empowering research and development across all sectors, has created an imperative to address educational issues.


Frases entresacadas e ideas interesantes que puedo utilizar:

(Página 4)
“This situation is particularly relevant since it shows that having a curriculum in place is a necessary but not sufficient condition to ensure reaching the goal of widespread and effective informatics education; teacher preparation is also essential”.

(Página 5)
“This suggests a two-tier strategy for Informatics education at all educational levels: as a specialisation, i.e. a fundamental and independent subject in school and in study programmes in higher education; and as the integration of Informatics with other school subjects and study programmes. For both approaches well-educated and skilled teachers are a vital requirement.”

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