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Daily Archives: 17 noviembre, 2021

noviembre 2021

Experiencias de transformación digital en las universidades

Experiencias de transformación digital en las universidades
Cátedra Santander-UA de Transformación Digital (Universidad de Alicante)
Equipo GTI4U
Colección de videos

01 – ¿Cómo es la Universidad Digital? Modelo mUd (Faraón Llorens)

02 – ¿Cómo abordar con determinación la transformación digital? (Antonio Fernández)

03 – Buen gobierno de las TI, clave para el éxito de la Transformación Digital (Carlos Juiz)

04 – Planificación estratégica de la transformación digital. Caso de la Universidad de Murcia (Pedro M. Ruiz)

05 – Estrategia centrada en el estudiante. Caso de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (Adela López)

06 – El CRM, pieza clave en el “student journey”. Caso de la Universidad de Deusto (Iñaki Fuertes)

07 – Impulso de la formación en competencias digitales. Caso de la Universitat Jaume I (Francesc Esteve)

08 – Nuevos modelos de evaluación de los estudiantes. Caso de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Emili Rubió)

How Suitable is for Learners an Autonomous, Interactive and Dynamic Learning Model?

How Suitable is for Learners an Autonomous, Interactive and Dynamic Learning Model?
Alberto Real-Fernández, Rafael Molina-Carmona, Faraón Llorens-Largo

Digitalized Resources and Artificial Intelligence based Solutions to Support Personalized Teaching and Learning at Higher Education: What is Beyond 2021? (DRAI)

WEEF/GEDC 2021 (weefgedc2021.org)
(World Engineering Education Forum)
Diversity and ethics in education for an inclusive ans sustainable world
15th-18th November 2021
Madrid, Spain

A. Real-Fernández, R. Molina-Carmona and F. Llorens-Largo, “How Suitable is for Learners an Autonomous, Interactive and Dynamic Learning Model?,” 2021 World Engineering Education Forum/Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF/GEDC), 2021, pp. 617-623, doi: 10.1109/WEEF/GEDC53299.2021.9657378.

Facing the traditional static learning, a smart learning system that proposes a dynamic, interactive and autonomous learning is proposed. Based on the concepts of learning competence and learning activity, this system aims to fulfill the current individual needs of the learners and to be a support tool for the teacher to understand their learners’ needs and performance. In order to validate the features of the model, and verify how suitable it is for the learners, a platform has been developed which implements its structure and main concepts to be used in a course. Then both teachers and learners have been asked about their experience. Concretely, the main features selected to validate include motivation, interaction, progression, the fact of knowing the learning state at any time, that learners can be autonomous by marking their own learning pace and selecting their own learning path, the continuous learning cycle the system will implement and the usefulness of the system as a teaching tool. All these features are considered crucial for the proposal and, after analysing the results of the survey and interviews, it has been confirmed that the system have achieved them.

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9657378

DOI: http://doi.org/10.1109/WEEF/GEDC53299.2021.9657378