TEmaps for Designing Courses Based on Smart Learning
Alberto Real-Fernández, Rafael Molina-Carmona, Faraón Llorens-Largo
Grupo de investigación Smart Learning
Universidad de Alicante
Track 9. Smart Learning
International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’22)
Salamanca (Spain), October 19-21, 2022
A TEmap (Technological Ecosystem Map) is a polygonal representation, illustrated as a heat map, of the main elements of a technological ecosystem, a powerful tool to analyse it and detect its strengths and weaknesses. We aim to use this kind of tool to design a course in a platform based on smart learning. Concretely, it is based on CALM (Customized Adaptive Learning Model), an adaptive and personalized learning model, so that it analyses the features of each learner in order to individu- ally adapt the learning process and personalized the learning experience to them. The model also includes a platform in which courses from different fields and pur- poses can be created. In these courses, teachers are those in charge of designing the whole learning content and structure, deciding how they apply the features the model provides. Therefore, the aim of this paper is using a TEmap to evaluate the features of a CALM-based course.